Furniture with a soul

So right now you might be thinking to yourself what is she on about? How can furniture have a soul, with it being a non living object? 

And yes you are right - it is an inanimate object, no argument there, I haven’t lost my sanity yet!

I’m talking here about a vintage furniture that so often has a story behind it, 

As humans we are inquisitive creatures so whenever I acquire a piece to work on, if I get the chance I always ask about its history,  who owned it, where has it been? how long have they owned it for? etc.  

And let me tell you some of the stories I get to hear are  absolutely heart-warming, touching and quite incredible!

One of such story I would like to share with you today, its a story of one of my first Art Deco sideboards I had pleasure working on,

Its story goes back to about 60 years, It has been gifted by a groom to his bride on their wedding day, he had it made especially for her, the sideboard has been in their home for about 60 years, later when both of them passed away it was passed from one relative to another but nobody wanted it as it didn’t fit their home decor, so finally the nephew of the couple to whom this sideboard originally belonged to decided to put it up for sale and that’s how it ended up with me, learning its history made me appreciate it even more and it was a privilege to be able to give it a new lease of life so that it can be enjoyed for many more years to come.

When you learn about the story and history of a piece the way you view it changes completely, you don’t view it as just a piece of furniture, but something that has a history and tells a  story about people and life and lets you reflect on things around you and to have such piece in your home is quite amazing. 


Shades of blue